Singing Whitney is never easy, but then singing ‘I will Always Love You’ is even more difficult

Laura made a lasting impression on The Voice Kids at the age of thirteen. Her incredible talent won over everyone’s hearts, and she left a lasting impression.

Laura made the brave and self-assured decision to sing Whitney Houston’s classic song, I Will Always Love You. Given the song’s mature themes and emotional depth, this decision was bold for someone so young.

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Laura, however, took on the task without hesitation and gave the well-known song her own special, moving rendition. Her performance enthralled the judges and the audience, making a lasting impression.

Her performance, which was seen by over 130 million people globally, swiftly turned into a ray of inspiration and optimism. Laura is a brilliant example of limitless potential as she continues to navigate the entertainment industry, serving as an inspiration to upcoming innovators and dreamers.

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